

Stimmgabeln zur Entspannung und zum Stressabbau

13 Produkte

Zeigt 1 - 13 von 13 Produkten

Zeigt 1 - 13 von 13 Produkten
Einsparung $30.00
Gold-colored Otto C 128 Hz Tuning Fork with black storage pouch for sound healing therapyOtto C 128 Hz Tuning Fork with black storage pouch and striker ball for sound healing
Stimmgabel Otto C 128 Hz für Klangheiltherapie
Sonderpreis$29.90 Normalpreis$59.90
0:00 / 0:00
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Einsparung $40.00
Green 136.1 Hz OM Tuning Fork with black pouch and striker for Heart Chakra healingTuning fork with black pouch and striker for 136.1 Hz OM Heart Chakra therapy
136,1 Hz OM Stimmgabel - Planet Erde - Herzchakra
Sonderpreis$39.90 Normalpreis$79.90
0:00 / 0:00
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Einsparung $40.00
Tuning fork with wooden mallet in black velvet pouch for 136.10 Hz sound therapyTuning fork with rubber mallet on black cloth next to 136.10 Hz Weighted Tuning Fork
136,10 Hz gewichtete Stimmgabel mit Kristallgriff
Sonderpreisab $39.90 Normalpreis$79.90
0:00 / 0:00
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Einsparung $70.00
Golden tuning forks with adjustable weights in 3pc Solfeggio Tuning Fork SetGold tuning forks with black velvet pouches in 3pc Solfeggio Tuning Fork Set
3-teiliges Solfeggio-Stimmgabel-Set: 174, 432 und 528 Hz Heilfrequenzen
Sonderpreis$69.90 Normalpreis$139.90
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Einsparung $40.00
Gold-colored 174 Hz Solfeggio Tuning Fork with black storage pouch for healing174 Hz Solfeggio Tuning Fork with black pouch and striker ball for healing and pain relief
174 Hz Solfeggio-Stimmgabel zur Heilung – Schmerzlinderung
Sonderpreis$39.90 Normalpreis$79.90
0:00 / 0:00
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Einsparung $40.00
Yellow tuning fork in front of pink daylilies for healing with 174 Hz frequencyGolden tuning fork with adjustable prongs from 174 Hz Solfeggio Tuning Fork set
174 Hz Solfeggio Stimmgabel mit Kristall und Schlägeltasche
Sonderpreisab $39.90 Normalpreis$79.90
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Einsparung $50.00
Gold Tuning Fork with Adjustable Weights for 432 Hz and 528 Hz Healing TherapyTwo yellow-handled tuning forks on black velvet pouches for healing therapy
Einsparung $40.00
Gold 432 Hz Tuning Fork with Black Storage Pouch for Healing Therapy432 Hz Tuning Fork for Healing Therapy with black pouch and striker ball
432 Hz Stimmgabel für Heiltherapie - Natürliche Frequenz
Sonderpreis$39.90 Normalpreis$79.90
0:00 / 0:00
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Einsparung $40.00
Golden tuning fork among vibrant red flowers for 432 Hz healing therapyGolden tuning fork against vibrant red flowering bushes for healing therapy
Einsparung $30.00
Pink metallic 4096 Hz Tuning Fork with Crystal and black velvet pouch and accessoriesGold 4096 Hz Tuning Fork with Crystal and black velvet pouch and accessories
Stimmgabeln mit Engel - 4096 Hz, 4160 Hz und 4225 Hz Stimmgabel-Set für Heiltherapie
Sonderpreis$29.90 Normalpreis$59.90
0:00 / 0:00
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Einsparung $50.00
Metallic tuning fork with parallel prongs for 93.96 Hz sound healing energy therapyMetal tuning fork with two parallel prongs for 93.96 Hz Earth sound healing
93,96 Hz Erd-Stimmgabel für Energie-Klangheilung - Schumann-Frequenz
Sonderpreisab $49.90 Normalpreis$99.90
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Einsparung $70.00
Golden Schumann 93.96Hz Metal Tuning Fork with Gem Handles and resonant chamberMedical reflex hammer and Schumann 93.96Hz Metal Tuning Fork with Gem Handles
Schumann 93,96 Hz Stimmgabel aus Metall mit Edelsteingriffen
Sonderpreis$59.90 Normalpreis$129.90
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Einsparung $60.00
Medical tuning forks in a wooden holder with labeled frequencies for brain wave therapyBrain Wave Tuning Fork Set with Stand arranged on a wooden base with striking mallet
Brain Wave Stimmgabel-Set mit Ständer - 5-teilig
Sonderpreis$139.90 Normalpreis$199.90

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