
Heilende Windspiele

11 Produkte

Zeigt 1 - 11 von 11 Produkten

Zeigt 1 - 11 von 11 Produkten
Einsparung €10,00
Colorful Koshi Wind Chimes Set of 4 with painted cylinders and black tasselsDecorative Koshi Wind Chimes Set of 4 in vibrant orange, blue, turquoise, and red shades
Koshi Windspiele 4er Set - Terra Aqua Aria Ignis
Sonderpreis€39,90 Normalpreis€49,90
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Einsparung €10,00
Bamboo wind chime with striker and seasonal cards in Koshi Bamboo Wind Chimes setKoshi Bamboo Wind Chimes featuring colorful decorative tags and natural bamboo design
Koshi Bambus-Windspiele - 4 Elemente
Sonderpreisab €39,90 Normalpreis€49,90
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Einsparung €10,00
Bamboo wind chime with decorative pendant in Bamboo 9-Tone Wind Chime melody setCylindrical Bamboo 9-Tone Wind Chime with decorative hanging element at the bottom
9-Ton-Windspiel aus Bambus: Dm B Em D Bm C Am Dm G Melodien
Sonderpreisab €19,90 Normalpreis€29,90
Einsparung €10,00
Bamboo wind chime with flower pendant for 8-note indoor and outdoor useWooden wind chime with bamboo tube and decorative bracket for soothing indoor outdoor sound
8-töniges Bambus-Windspiel für den Innen- und Außenbereich | C Am Dm G Akkorde
Sonderpreisab €19,90 Normalpreis€29,90
Einsparung €20,00
Wooden wall-mounted adjustable spotlight highlighting 432Hz Tuned Koshi Wind Chime BellWooden wall-mounted spotlight with adjustable head for 432Hz Tuned Koshi Wind Chime Bell
Auf 432 Hz gestimmte Koshi-Windspielglocke zur Heilung
Sonderpreis€29,90 Normalpreis€49,90
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Einsparung €10,00
Colorful cylindrical bird feeders with hanging cords in a row near Metal Koshi Wind ChimesPurple cylindrical candle with blue marbled patterns for Metal Koshi Wind Chimes
Metall-Koshi-Windspiel – Elemente Terra/Aqua/Aria/Ignis
Sonderpreis€49,90 Normalpreis€59,90
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Einsparung €10,00
Colorful Hexagonal Metal Koshi Chime Bells with decorative wind chimes for healingColorful metal pill containers with keychain attachments for Hexagonal Metal Koshi Chime Bells
Sechseckige Koshi-Glocken aus Metall zur Heilung
Sonderpreisab €49,90 Normalpreis€59,90
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Einsparung €20,00
Bamboo Koshi Wind Chimes with red string and gold accents beside patterned boxSeven wooden yoga mat holders with chakra symbols for Bamboo Koshi Wind Chimes set
Bambus-Koshi-Windspiele - 7 Chakren-Set
Sonderpreisab €59,90 Normalpreis€79,90
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Colorful Koshi Chimes Set of 4 Elements in blue, green, red, and yellow tubesColorful Koshi Chimes Set of 4 Elements with metallic tubes in vibrant colors